At the Evolving Edge

A synthesis of archetypal insights, unfolding creativity and soulful wisdom

Evolutionary Approach

Monica Bryant - Evolutionary Consulting and Coaching

Experience ~ Emergence ~ Ecological ~ Empowering

Monica Bryant has provided her leading-edge Evolutionary Consulting and Coaching since 1994 offering a transpersonal perspective in support of inner and outer evolution. Her transpersonal view has the greatest potential for wholeness, psychologically and spiritually because it sees the whole person as embedded in their biological and social ecosystems and interconnected within the greater context of the cosmos. Evolution is a dynamic process that moves towards the next level of balance and wholeness both in nature and our psyches. This creation of wholeness is applicable to many different domains of life.

Monica’s evolutionary approach is soul-based and reveals deep patterns, organising principles and cycles to create meaning, enhance resilience and generate wholeness. She enables this through deep seeing and listening, archetypal insights and the inclusivity, appreciation and love of conscious conversation. Her work draws on her life experiences, including in the fields of: human and planetary potential; health; ecology; holistic sciences; and entrepreneurship. Monica empowers individuals and organisations, to unfold their next evolutionary step and nurtures the emergence of new creative projects.

If you would like to contact Monica to discuss Evolutionary Consulting and Coaching, or any other aspect of her work, please connect with her via email below.

If you are interested to read Monica’s current writing, have any enquiries or if you wish to connect, please email Monica here

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