At the Evolving Edge

A synthesis of archetypal insights, unfolding creativity and soulful wisdom


Monica Bryant BSc (Hons), MA, began her integration of holism, biology and psycho-spirituality during her interdisciplinary degree in Human Sciences at the University of Sussex, UK (1978-1982). With more than four decades of experience in archetypal and transpersonal psychology and a Master of Arts in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, she has a transdisciplinary approach to the evolving unified worldview. Her writing is published internationally. Please contact Monica for pdf’s that are available.

Evolving through Synchronicity in an Archetypal and Symbiotic Universe. In Woollacott, M., Lorimer, D., and Schwartz, G. (eds.), The Playful Universe: Synchronicity and the Nature of Consciousness. (pp. 109-120). Volume V. Postmaterialist Sciences Series. AAPS Press. (2024)

Link to

Jung’s Theory of Synchronicity, Archetypal Depth, and an Evolving Worldview. The Pari Perspectives Journal. Issue 8. Synchronicity. June 2021, 109–115. (2021)

Link to Pari Center website

Intuition as an Evolutionary Impulse that Expands Wholeness, Wonder and Wisdom. In Anthologi Det Intuitiva. (pp. 75–98). Ystad, Sweden: Förlagshuset Siljans Måsar. (2021)

Please contact Monica for a pdf

Evolving Together: The Emergence of a New Form of Evolutionary Group. In Creating Harmony: Conflict Resolution in Community. (pp. 61–74). In Jackson, H. (Ed.), Holte, Denmark: Gaia Trust and Permanent Publications. (1999)

Link to

Microbiology at a Turning Point. Journal of Alternative Medicine, March 1986, 4–6. (1986)

Please contact Monica for a pdf

If you are interested to read Monica’s current writing, have any enquiries or if you wish to connect, please email Monica here

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