At the Evolving Edge

A synthesis of archetypal insights, unfolding creativity and soulful wisdom

Monica Bryant - Evolutionary Consulting and Coaching

Transformative teaching, tutoring and mentoring

With a background in the Scandinavian naturopathic tradition, Monica then studied the benefits of nutrition for health from different cultural viewpoints. In the 1980s, she pioneered a symbiosis-restoring approach to microbial ecology and holistic health. She has lectured and trained natural health practitioners and doctors in regenerative biological healing internationally. Monica also tutored at the University of Sussex, supporting her students in following their personal interests and experiencing the joy of transformative learning. She has continued her enquiry into the inner dynamics of growth and transformation through research, writing and education.

Evolutionary research

Monica has a long-term passion for independent research using qualitative, transpersonal research methodologies that value intuition, imagination and synchronicity experiences. She was a freelance researcher for authors and company directors. Since 1978, Monica has built a library of more than 7,000 books, entered in her bibliographic database. This provides her with a rich resource of literature and out-of-print archives about a wide range of subjects. The common core that unites her library is the emergence of a holistic worldview and the evolution of consciousness. 

Monica Bryant - Evolutionary Consulting and Coaching

Carl Gustav Jung

Consciousness, synchronicity and a unified worldview

The Swiss depth psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) pioneered the concept of synchronicity, which is a meaningful coincidence. His book Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle was published in the early 1950s and continues to be a subject that captures increasing transdisciplinary research and interest. The ‘new paradigm’ approaches to science, health and transpersonal thought provide greater understanding of how synchronicity may relate to a unified worldview. Central to Jung’s understanding of synchronicity is how it reveals the existence and manifestation of archetypes in the collective unconscious and their many qualities of psychophysical unfolding.

Monica has researched the field of consciousness and synchronicity to show the purposeful and co-creative nature of synchronicity in our personal evolution. Holistic and ecological thought is central to her worldview and to understanding how ecosystems are self-regulatory and evolutionary. She brings her symbiotic approach to the inner evolutionary dynamics of synchronicity and holism. Monica says that “synchronicity creates a crack in time to let the cosmos in by the opening of our hearts and minds.” A meaningful coincidence can initiate surprise, or similar states of bewilderment and awe, that bring us into the present moment to shift habitual patterns, initiate changes and open us to new awareness and evolution.

Eros, Ecology and Evolution
in Nature and Psyche

Synchronicity: We are Deeply Connected
to Our Surroundings

Connecting with Coincidence Podcast
with Bernard Beitman, M.D.
January 2025

Main research topics

  • Science and spirituality
  • Holism in biology and psyche
  • Intuition and archetypal psychology
  • Transformative research and education
  • The evolution of consciousness
  • Synchronicity and creativity
  • Applied transpersonal perspectives
  • Symbiosis and pleomorphism
  • Microbial ecology and health
  • Colour and light
  • Vitalism, health and nutrition


See Monica’s recent publications by clicking here

If you are interested to read Monica’s current writing, have any enquiries or if you wish to connect, please email Monica here

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